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  • all decisions will be made by consensus

all decisions will be made by consensus

Music by Kamala Sankaram
Libretto by Rob Handel


A Zoom Opera for voice and synthesizer


    BRADSHAW, the one who wants to make the rules
    FITT, the one who is supposed to take the minutes
    YORGIS, the one who likes to make things
    HSIEH, the intense one
    LINSKI, the one who knows they are alive
    STILLER, the one who was levitating the pentagon before you were born
    ALLUVIAL, the one who is in the wrong meeting
    non-singing roles:
    Bradshaw’s kids
    Linski’s cat


    Sung rhythms should be as close to speech as possible.
    Boxed sections should be repeated until the next cue point.
    Performers should not try to match each other's pulse.

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